Before there was ever a quarantine, people could probably go around saying, “I could go without my phone for a week!” Imagine how it feels now.
Over the past six months, the world has been focused on electronics and social media now that it’s the only way to get in contact with others from home. Elders, parents, teens, and kids— we’ve all had to adapt to this new “stay-at-home” lifestyle, which consists of basically being online all day.
Usually in our free time, we’d go on our phones or play games. Although now, it just all feels the same since we’re also online for school and work. It begins to blur together.
But despite all that, one way people are kept entertained and happy throughout the quarantine is social media, whether it be keeping in touch with friends, binging Netflix shows, or watching YouTube videos of your favorite music artist. Being on social media can also help you connect with others who perhaps might feel the same as you do. Maybe you love quarantine because you can eat anytime you want and maybe you don’t because you aren’t able to go on boba runs with friends. Either way, there’s a community for everyone.
On popular apps like TikTok and Instagram, trends still continue to trend and celebrities continue to be more popular. Just like before quarantine, there’s always some new dance in style every week to keep you off your feet. On Twitter, you could learn a few new things from people’s threads on the Black Lives Matters movement or simply keep yourself updated with what phrases/words/hashtags are trending worldwide.
Despite quarantine, you can still go out to some of your favorite places even if they’re only for take-out or delivery. A few communities on Facebook are made for sharing great places to eat in the certain area you live in, so you could still try new foods! Buying on Doordash and other delivery services from small, local places could also help.
All in all, quarantine doesn’t have to be so bad. Sometimes to make a day a bit better, you could FaceTime a friend or get delivery from your favorite pizza place. It’s also good to get a break from the blue light and go outside to get some fresh air.
Here’s to hoping the end of quarantine is near!